News Articles

East Side Orbiter - Launched for the Holidays
Nov 25 2024Buy Your Orbiter Now!Buy your Orbiter directly on the East Side starting Small Business Saturday - November 30th. If you need multiple copies contact ESABA staff below. Stop by one of these great locations and start your Orbit today: Brunson's PubBymore SupermercadoCaydence Records & CoffeeEast Side PizzeriaKaribu Grocery & DeliKendall's Ace...

The Heights Thermal Energy Network Breaks Ground
Oct 14 2024Right, it's not about lava at all! Stable ground water temperature to help with heating and cooling is the key for a networked geothermal energy system like the one at The Heights. Groundbreaking was celebrated today but the real enduring legacy might be that this model can be replicated to...
Nominate for 2024 St. Paul Business Awards
Aug 19 2024Let's put the East Side on the map for this year's awards. To be eligible you can't have been an awardee in the past 5 years. The East Side Businesses that have won awards in the past five years are:SIR Boxing ClubKaribu Grocery & DeliGolden HarvestHoa Mei ABC RealtyHmong VillageSwede Hollow...
ESABA wants to bring visitors to your business
May 13 2024We're partnering with Visit Saint Paul to bring you new customers! Festivals and other destination events are coming to the East Side this summer! On June 1st we have Waterfest at Lake Phalen and Art in the Hollow in Swede Hollow park. On July 13th Phalen Lake hosts the return of...