East Side Connect! Making $1 Million of Less? Opportunity is Knocking Right Now

This East Side Connect! will explore small business support available PLUS a recent update to the PROMISE Act which extends its boundary to include more of the East Side!!!
The Act is aimed to support East Side businesses grossing less than a $1 million dollars a year. We want every eligible business on the East Side to hear about this opportunity and apply.
What outreach is ongoing to reach businesses, what Technical Assistance is available, what should people do if they hit road blocks or have questions? Help spread the word and figure this out with us. And where are the gaps and what other things do our businesses need help with? Let’s talk about what we’re learning our community needs as we spread the word about grants and loans open right now.
We make a special invite to Technical Assistance providers working with our businesses to talk about, coordinate, and explain how they are joining the effort to reach the East Side business community. Come one come all. Let’s connect the East Side!
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